Chiara Scudieri is passionate about research and development and the search for new ingredients. In 2002, along with Jorge Rubin, she started I.C.O.N., a company that has revolutionized the hair care industry. Today it is a global company, present in more than 36 countries, and has received prestigious awards such as the European Business Awards 2021.
FORBES: How did the idea of creating I.C.O.N. come up?
CS: We wanted to create a product brand that treats hair with ingredients that add strength and structure. The results would be instant, and the consumers would see and feel the difference in their hair. Using high-end ingredients that are paraben free, vegan, natural, and organic, with a strong focus on technology and science along with my in-depth product development experience and
desire to innovate, I.C.O.N. was born. Still today, I’m proud to say that some of our top sellers are the first products we launched.
FORBES: What has it meant in your life to be an entrepreneur woman?
CS: Jorge inspired me to take on the challenge, and I was eager to put in the effort and commitment required to make it a reality. As an
entrepreneur, I am passionate about motivating and empowering individuals to chase their aspirations and make them a reality. I continue to
work with influential people and bring successful, innovative ideas to life. For me, it is not a job or work but rather a lifestyle.
FORBES: What is the key to success in the hair care industry?
CS: The quality of products, education and values are fundamental for success. Our professionals are committed to ensuring that each raw
material is of the highest standard. We use comprehensive compounding, filling, and in-house salon-lab testing to guarantee every product. We strive to deliver quality products; our dedication to providing value and integrity sets us apart. We are proud of offering customers products they
can rely on.